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Yearly Schedule
Session A 2024
15 weeks
September 9th to December 20th
Session B 2025
22 weeks
January 6th to June 13th
(1 week break from
March 3rd to March 7th)

Daily Schedule

9:00 - 12:00

The workshops that take place each morning at Jardin Urbain LC are called the morning stations.  The children participate in stations that metamorphose throughout the morning according to the objectives of the day.  The morning stations include activities that practice French language development (both written and spoken), as well as competencies in mathematics.

12:00 - 1:00

Between 12:00 and 1:00, the children registered for the full day eat together and the children registered for a half-day have the choice to participate in the lunch social (and active break) or not.  

1:00 - 2:30

A wild card workshop follows the lunch social each day. Wild cards are specialised activities such as art, drama, music, dance, languages, history, geography, environmental studies, social studies, cooking, physics, biology, computer coding, strategy board games, etc. Throughout the year, professional and passionate members of our community also make appearances as special guests and lead workshops in their domain.  The wild card schedule changes each session.


2:30 - 4:00

At the end of the day, the children head out on an outdoor excursion to public facilities in the neighbourhood in order to organise themselves in free play. We go to soccer fields, basketball courts, skating rinks, public parks, etc. These excursions are within walking distance of the Learning Center, and take place in all weather!

Session A 2024 :

Volleyball: This fall we will offer the kids the opportunity to learn this classic team sport, popular all over the world. Together we will practice the techniques and rules, and who knows, maybe even have a match against a local school class?! Each week we will jog to the gym at Patro Villeray or to Jarry Park to practice, so don’t forget your running shoes.

Montreal, That’s Me!: Inspired by the “citizenship” part of the QEP, this workshop will bring the kids behind the scenes of the city where they live, including the structure and roles that municipal government members play, how we elect our representatives, and most of all, we will explore the voice we have as citizens. How can we express ourselves and propose changes in our neighbourhood? What are the municipal issues that touch us the most? Bike paths? Public park maintenance? Library and pool funding? The kids will come out of this workshop proud to be engaged citizens, well-tooled to participate actively in lovely Montreal life :)


Debate Club: At the request of the kids, we are excited to offer this very useful and highly amusing Wild Card! Along with various public speaking games and activities, each week the kids will take part in a formal debate either in French or in English, as they choose. Through this practice, they will improve their oral and written expression, their ability to think quickly, to defend their opinion, to perceive an argument from different angles, and to consider controversial questions. This will give them the chance to build self-confidence and the capacity to speak in front of their classmates… skills that will serve them all their lives.


Science of the Human Body: “Living Things” constitutes a big part of the world of science, and this fall we will plunge into matter, energy, and forces and motion of human beings. Projects such as the creation of scientific podcasts and life-size models will take center stage, and at the end of the session an outing to the Science Center will top it all off.


Drawing: In collaboration with talented local artists, we will explore this visual art form in all its depths. The young artists will practice drawing using a variety of materials including pencil, charcoal, and ink, with the goal of producing realistic work, sketches, cartoons, manga and more. Sharpen your pencils!

Session B 2025 :

English Cinema: In this Wild Card, kids will expand their English language skills via cinema workshops. We will start each class with a short film (10-15 mins) or a famous scene from a full-length film. Then level-appropriate activities will follow, such as acting out scenes, creating storyboards, discussing characters, plot, and themes. Vocabulary, written composition, and presentation skills will also be practiced. Beginners, intermediates, and advanced English speakers will improve in all competencies... and discover some great cinema along the way!

Canadian Geography & History: The first half of the session will discover Canadian geography, including physical geography (major landforms like mountains, rivers, lakes, plains, and ecosystems like forests, tundra, grasslands, and also climate, and natural resources), and human/political geography (provinces and territories, borders, capital cities, indigenous territories, linguistic and cultural diversity). Then, as of April, our "History Bus" will kick in! We will choose 4 major historical landmarks in Montreal and do unit studies before heading out to visit them in person! 

Engineering: Inspired by the TryEngineering challenges, and with help from Défi Apprenti Génie, we will explore topics such as forces and motion, structures and stability, simple machines, electrical circuits, and green engineering. The kids will practice defining problems, brainstorming solutions, prototyping and testing. Our focus will be on exploration, teamwork, and creativity... with a science fair to top off the session!

Spanish: As one of the world's most widely spoken languages, there is no better time to start learning Spanish than now! This Wild Card will introduce kids to the spoken language through literature, culture, and music from all over the Spanish-speaking world. 

Everyday Savvy: This session we are reinventing the age-old "home economics" class... Everyday Savvy! The kids will rotate around three stations, each week diving into a different mini project in cooking, repairing, and anything artisanal with cloth & needle.  At the cooking station, recipes will include bread, granola, puff pastry... At the repair station, we will use different glues, tools and hardware (be prepared to bring in the things you need fixed!), and at the cloth & needle station we will up-cycle clothing, sew bags and cushions, learn crochet and felting and embroidery.

Interested in being a special guest?

If you are passionate about a subject that you think might interest the children at Jardin Urbain LC, let us know!  We will ask you to fill out a short form describing the subject and how you envision putting in place a workshop for our fabulous group of kids. Our special guests offer workshops in French or in English.  

Image by Cooper Le
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