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Registration is now open for the fall 2024 session, and we are hosting Open House events on Sunday, August 25th between 10:00 and 4:00, and on Wednesday, August 28th between 2:00 and 6:00!

Here are the steps to register at our Learning Center :

Step 1:  Attend an open house event, or contact Karina at 438-993-9642 /  


The purpose of this step is to answer all your questions, and to be sure you are well-informed of the complementary relationship between the Learning Center and your unschooling/homeschooling family.


Step 2:   Visit the Learning Center and meet the team in person.


Step 3:  Complete the registration form which will be sent to you via email.  


Please note that in order to register at Jardin Urbain LC, parents must have already notified the Ministry of Education and their school service center that they will be homeschooling.  This requirement is detailed here.

Here are some factors to consider when planning the year ahead with your child :

1. Your child’s natural rhythm:  What is the ideal schedule for your child in terms of academic periods, leisure, and rest? Don’t forget to look at the whole year ahead.


2. Your work schedule:  Session by session, are there days or half-days that are more or less possible for you to stay with your child and work on their learning project together? Please remember it is only possible to register on a part-time basis, up to 4 days per week.


3. Your priority subjects:  If French and math are priorities for you, consider several mornings with us.  If you wish to put emphasis on outdoor excursions and specialised workshops, select the afternoons that interest you.


4. Other participants in your child’s learning project:  Who else will be participating in your child’s education (tutors, family members, other families doing education without school, other organisations offering activities, etc.)?  Consider their availabilities and the logistics of going between locations.

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